
[促銷:2024年六月] Qunol Plus 還原型活性輔酵素+DHA/EPA 90顆軟膠囊 Ubiquinol CoQ10+Omega-3


抗氧化 心臟保健


  • 保存期限:2024年六月
  • 使用建議:
    Adults: Take one (1) softgel daily with or after a meal, or as recommended by your healthcare professional.
    成人: 每日一顆,隨餐飯後使用,或遵照醫生指示用量
  • 主要成份:
    Ubiquinol (Kaneka Ubiquinol™) 還原型活性輔酵素 200mg
    Total Omega 3 Fatty Acid 必需脂肪酸 250mg
    EPA 150mg
    DHA 100mg
  • 瓶身標示:
    Helps Support heart function 幫助支持心臟功能
    Helps Support cellular energy production 幫助提昇細胞產生能量
    Useful Antioxidant 高效抗氧化功能
    Ubiquinol is a powerful antioxidant that helps protect our body from free radical damage. In addition, Ubiquinol supports heart health by providing our heart its much needed cellular energy. Ubiquinol is also beneficial for those taking cholesterol-lowering statin drugs.
    還原型輔酵素是一種強力抗氧化物, 幫助保護身體不受自由基傷害; 除了抗氧化特性之外, 還原型輔酵素幫助維護心臟健康, 提供心臟所需要的細胞能量; 同時對於降膽固醇藥物Statin 的使用者有助益
    CoQ10 is a vitamin-like nutrient that plays a vital role in the energy production in every cell in our body. Our body naturally produces CoQ10 and converts Ubiquinone to Ubiquinol. However, our body’s ability to produce CoQ10 and convert it into Ubiquinol significantly decreases as we age.
    輔酵素CoQ10 是一種類似維他命的營養成份, 在人體內每個細胞產生能量的作用中不可或缺; 人體內的自然作用, 可以產生CoQ10, 以及將氧化型輔酵素轉換為還原型輔酵素; 然而隨著年齡增長, 人體內的產生與轉換能力會明顯衰退
    Ubiquinol is the active form of CoQ10 – approximately 95% of the CoQ10 circulating in our body is in the form of Ubiquinol.
    還原型輔酵素是活性型態的CoQ10 – 人體內存在的CoQ10 大約95% 為還原型態
    Our bodies do not produce omega-3 so we must acquire it from food sources. Most people do not get the recommended daily levels of omega-3 from their diets alone which is why adding an omega-3 supplement can be beneficial.
    人體不能自行產生Omega-3 必需脂肪酸, 需要經由食物來源獲得; 大多數人不能從飲食中攝取足量的Omega-3, 本產品提供Omega-3 每日補充需求, 有益身體保健

* 商品說明為原廠標示,本店僅提供中譯服務。
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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重量 0.48 磅