
[促銷:2024年八月] GNC 輔酵素 CoQ-10 200mg 60顆軟膠囊


抗氧化 維持心臟健康


  • 保存期限:2024年八月
  • 使用建議:
    As a dietary supplement, take one softgel capsule daily after a meal.
  • 主要成份:
    Coenzyme Q-10 (Natural) 天然輔酵素 200mg
  • 瓶身標示:
    Helps support heart and blood vessel function.
    有益心臟與血管功能Co Q-10 exists in the cells of the human body. As people mature, the amount of CoQ-10 in the body may diminish.
    Q10 輔酵素天然存在人體細胞內, 隨著年齡漸長, 體內的Q10 含量逐漸減少Co Q-10 is involved in the process that produces cellular energy
    Q10 輔酵素參與細胞產生能量的製造過程Co Q-10 supports a healthy cardiovascular system
    Q10 輔酵素幫助維持心血管系統的健康Softgel capsules – Now 30% smaller 小顆易吞服軟膠囊式

* 商品說明為原廠標示,本店僅提供中譯服務。
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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重量 0.42 磅