Airborne 安寶速效發泡錠 免疫維他命 莓果味 18片x2管=36片 [預購] Immune Support Very Berry



[預購] 付款後訂購最新效期商品, 約等候一~三週從美國寄出

  • 保存期限:付款後訂購最新效期商品
  • 使用建議:
    Adults and children 14 years of age and older: Drop one (1) tablet in a 4~6 oz of water, let dissolve and drink.
    成人和14歲以上使用者: 將一片安寶速效發泡錠放入4~6 oz 飲水中 (約120~180c.c.), 等待溶解後飲用Recommended limit: 2 tablets daily.
    建議限量: 每天最多使用兩片Children 12~13 years old: No more than 1 tablet daily.
    12~13歲使用者: 每天最多使用一片
  • 主要成份:
    Vitamin A 維他命A 600mcg
    Vitamin C 維他命C 1000mg
    Vitamin E 維他命E 13.5mg
    Magnesium 鎂 40mg
    Zinc 鋅 8mg
    Selenium 硒 15mcg
    Manganese 錳 3mg
    Sodium 鈉 150mg
    Potassium 鉀 80mg
    Proprietary Herbal Blend 獨特草本成份:
    Lonicera 忍冬花, Forsythia 連翹, Schizonepeta 荊介, Ginger 薑,
    Vitex 牡荊, Isatis Root 板藍根, Echinacea 紫錐花
  • 瓶身標示:
    Airborne was developed by a school teacher to boost her immune system, so that it could help her body fight against germs that abound in the classroom. Airborne’s unique formula contains herbs and nutrients.
    安寶速效發泡錠是由一位老師研發出來改善提高她的免疫能力, 幫助抵抗教室裡的病菌, 獨特配方含有草本及維他命礦物質營養成份It can be taken 2 ways: at the first sign of a cold symptom, or before entering crowded environments, like airplanes, offices and schools.
    兩種情形可以使用安寶速效發泡錠: 一有感冒徵兆發生時使用; 或是進入人潮擁擠的環境之前使用, 特別是搭乘飛機或公共交通工具, 進入辦公室或學校前

* 商品說明為原廠標示,本店僅提供中譯服務。
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

* 原廠不定時會微量調整商品成份含量、或變更外包裝設計,刊登商品資訊或相片僅供參考,商品實物可能與網站刊登相片不同,請依商品實物之原廠標示為準。

* 為方便國際空運寄送,商品如有原廠紙板或紙盒、外包裝將會拆除。

重量 0.75 磅
貨號: AB104 分類: , , , , 標籤: