[預購] 付款後訂購最新效期商品, 約等候一~三週從美國寄出
- 保存期限:2027年九月
- 使用建議:
As a dietary supplement, take 4 tablets per day with food. To accommodate body weight, activity level, stress level, and/or inadequate diet, take additional tablets up to a maximum of 8 tablets per day.
每天四錠,隨餐飯後使用;依個人體重、活動量、生活壓力緊張程度、或飲食不均衡的情況,可酌情增加使用量,每日最多可用八錠 - 主要成份:
維他命A (取自天然的貝他胡蘿蔔素Beta-Carotene 與類胡蘿蔔素Caroteniods)
維他命D (膽鈣化醇, 或稱維他命D3 Cholecalciferol)
維他命E (天然維他命E d-Alpha Tocopheryl Succinate)
維他命C、維他命B群 [維他命B1(Thiamine)、維他命B2(Riboflavin 核黃素)、
維他命B3(Niacin 菸鹼酸)、維他命B5(Pantothenic Acid)、維他命B6(Pyridoxine)、
維他命B12(Cyanocobalamin)]、葉酸(Folic Acid)、生物素(Biotin)
Diemethylaminoethanol (as DMAE bitartrate) 二甲氨基乙醇、L-Glutamine 左旋麩醯胺酸、
Bacopin (Bacopa Monnieri Extract; Leaf) 過長沙葉萃取、L-Pyroglutamic acid L-焦麩胺酸、
Phosphatidylserine 磷脂絲胺酸 (腦細胞膜的組成要素)、Inositol 肌醇、
Docosahexaenoic Acid Concentrate (15% DHA from Fish Body Oil) DHA、
Choline (as Choline Bitartrate) 膽鹼、N-Acetyltyrosine N乙醯-L-酪氨酸、
Bilberry Fruit Standardized Extract (25% Anthocyanosides花青素) 山桑子萃取、
Grape Skin Extract and Activin (Grape Seed Extract) 葡萄皮萃取物、Vinpocetine 長春西丁、
Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid 迦瑪-胺基丁酸、Boron 硼 (as Boron Citrate 硼檸檬酸鹽)、
Huperzine A 石杉鹼甲(Extract of Huperzia Serrata; Whole Plant)、
Trace-Lyte Electrolyte Concentrate 調整電解質濃縮液、
and Vanadium 釩 (as Vanadyle Sulfate 硫酸氧釩) - 瓶身標示:
America’s #1 Selling Brain Support Supplement
Focus Factor is a dietary supplement that supports healthy memory, concentration and focus with a unique blend of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, botanical extracts and omega-3 oils.
健康記憶, 集中精神; 獨特的配方, 融合了維他命, 微量元素, 抗氧化劑, 草本萃取, 及Omega-3 油
Supporting Normal Brain Function is Essential to your Health. Your brain is a very important organ in your body. It is made up of more than 100 billion neurons and is responsible for thoughts and behaviors, the ability to form words, the understanding and manipulation of numbers and communication with others.
維持正常的頭腦功能是維持健康的基本; 大腦是非常重要的器官, 由一千多億個神經元組成, 負責思考與行為, 語言組句能力, 理解力, 數字概念, 以及與他人溝通
* 商品說明為原廠標示,本店僅提供中譯服務。
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
* 原廠不定時會微量調整商品成份含量、或變更外包裝設計,刊登商品資訊或相片僅供參考,商品實物可能與網站刊登相片不同,請依商品實物之原廠標示為準。
* 為方便國際空運寄送,商品如有原廠紙板或紙盒、外包裝將會拆除。
重量 | 0.75 磅 |
5瓶 TruNature 銀杏葉萃取 340顆軟膠囊 Ginkgo Biloba 120mg
NT$3,900原始價格:NT$3,900。NT$3,238目前價格:NT$3,238。 -
阿拉斯加 天然野生鮭魚油 210顆軟膠囊 Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil