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- 保存期限: 付款後訂購最新效期商品
- 使用建議:
Adults: one Slo-Niacin Tablet morning or evening, or as directed by a physician.
成人: 早晨或晚上使用一錠, 或依照醫師指示使用
Before using more than 500 mg daily, consult a physician.
如需使用超過每日一錠500mg, 請先諮詢專業醫師
Note: Slo-Niacin Tablets may be broken on the score line, but should not be crushed or chewed. The inactive matrix of the tablet is not absorbed and may be excreted intact in the stool.
注意: 本產品使用時, 可以由中間分隔線剝開為半顆使用, 但不宜壓碎或嚼食; 製劑過程中添加的其他成份, 有可能不會被吸收而直接排出體外 - 主要成份:
Niacin 菸鹼酸 (維他命B3) 每一顆 500mg
(註:中間分隔線剝開為半顆使用, 每半顆 250mg) - 瓶身警語:
Niacin may cause temporary flushing, itching and tingling, feelings of warmth and headache, particularly when beginning, increasing amount or changing brand of niacin. These effects seldom require discontinuing niacin use.
剛開始使用本產品、增加使用量、或是更換使用商品的品牌時, 有可能會有面部潮紅、皮膚發癢或刺痛、頭疼或發熱的現象, 這些情形很少需要停止使用本產品
Skin rash, upset stomach, and low blood pressure when standing are less common symptoms; if they persist, contact a physician.
皮膚起疹子、反胃、或是站立時血壓降低, 是比較少發生的徵狀, 如果持續未見改善, 請諮詢專業醫師
Slo-Niacin Tablets should not be used by persons with a known sensitivity or allergy to niacin.
對維他命B3 過敏的人請勿使用本產品
Persons with heart disease, particularly those who have recurrent chest pain (angina) or who recently suffered a heart attack, should take niacin only under the supervision of a physician.
有心臟疾病, 特別是重覆發生胸痛, 或是近期發生心臟病突發的人, 必需在醫師監督之下使用維他命B3
Persons taking high blood pressure or cholesterol-lowering drugs should contact a physician before taking niacin because of possible interactions.
正在使用降血壓藥物, 或是降膽固醇藥物的人, 使用維他命B3 前應先諮詢專業醫師, 因藥物與維他命B3 有可能會發生交互影響
Do not take niacin unless recommended by and taken under the supervision of a physician if you have any of the following conditions: gallbladder disease, gout, arterial bleeding, glaucoma, diabetes, impaired liver function, peptic ulcer, pregnancy or lactating women.
以下情形只有在醫生建議與監督之下可以使用維他命B3: 膽囊疾病, 痛風, 動脈出血, 青光眼, 糖尿病, 肝功能不良, 消化性潰瘍, 懷孕授乳婦女
Increased uric acid and glucose levels and abnormal liver function tests have been reported in persons taking daily doses of 500 mg or more of niacin.
每日使用500mg 或更多維他命B3 的人, 曾有報導可能會發生尿酸與葡萄糖增加, 肝功能測驗異常的情形
Discontinue use and consult a physician immediately if any of the following symptoms occur: persistent flu-like symptoms (nausea, vomiting, a general “not well” feeling); loss of appetite; a decrease in urine output associated with dark colored urine; muscle discomfort such as tender, swollen muscles or muscle weakness; irregular heartbeat; or cloudy or blurry vision.
如果有以下症狀發生, 請立即停用並諮詢專業醫師: 持續發生類似感冒的症狀(噁心, 嘔吐, 不舒服的感覺); 沒有胃口; 尿量減少且顏色加深; 肌肉疼痛, 浮腫, 或無力; 心跳不規律; 或視線模糊 - 瓶身標示:
Slo-Niacin Tablets are manufactured utilizing a unique, patented polygel controlled-release delivery system. This exclusive technology assures the gradual and measured release of niacin (nicotinic acid) and is designed to reduce the incidence of flushing and itching commonly associated with niacin use.
本產品的製造為獨特專利的控制緩釋方式, 這種獨家的生產技術, 確保維他命B3 逐漸定量緩慢釋出成份, 可以有效降低使用維他命B3 普遍會發生的潮紅與皮膚發癢的情形
* 商品說明為原廠標示,本店僅提供中譯服務。
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
* 原廠不定時會微量調整商品成份含量、或變更外包裝設計,刊登商品資訊或相片僅供參考,商品實物可能與網站刊登相片不同,請依商品實物之原廠標示為準。
* 為方便國際空運寄送,商品如有原廠紙板或紙盒、外包裝將會拆除。
重量 | 0.48 磅 |
挺立鈣+維他命D3+鎂鋅銅錳硼 320顆錠劑 Caltrate 600
NT$1,150 -
Kirkland 維他命B群 Super B-Complex 500顆錠劑 [預購]
NT$730原始價格:NT$730。NT$599目前價格:NT$599。 -
萊萃美 維他命E 300顆軟膠囊 Nature Made Vitamin E 180mg (400IU) dl-Alpha