
GNC 檸檬蘋果酸鈣+鎂+維他命D3 240顆易吞錠 Calcimate Plus with Mg & D-3


Calcimate Plus with Magnesium & Vitamin D3


  • 保存期限:2024年四月
  • 使用建議:
    As a dietary supplement, take two tablets at breakfast and two tablets at dinner for a total of four tablets daily.
    每日早餐飯後使用兩錠,晚餐飯後使用兩錠,作為膳食補充 (一天共用四錠)
  • 主要成份:每四錠含以下
    Vitamin D (as Cholecalciferol D-3) 維他命D3 50mcg
    Calcium 鈣 (as Calcium Citrate Malate 檸檬蘋果酸鈣) 800mg
    Magnesium 鎂 (as Magnesium Oxide 氧化鎂) 100mg
  • 瓶身標示:
    Helps improve bone density. 幫助改善骨密度Adequate calcium in a healthy diet may reduce the risk of osteoporosis later in life.
    健康飲食中攝取足量的鈣, 可以減低老年罹患骨質疏鬆症的風險Calcimate™ features calcium citrate malate, the most absorbable form of calcium available.
    本產品所含的檸檬蘋果酸鈣CCM, 是最容易被人體吸收的鈣Studies of post-menopausal women over 55 confirm that CCM results in 70% less bone loss when compared to a diet without calcium.
    研究證明 55歲更年期後的婦女, 固定使用檸檬蘋果酸鈣CCM, 其骨質流失的情形比未補充鈣的同齡婦女減少70%This advanced mineral formula combines Calcimate™ with other bone-strengthening nutrients such as Vitamin D-3 and magnesium.
    本產品中還包含其他強化骨骼的營養成份, 如維他命D3 與鎂

* 商品說明為原廠標示,本店僅提供中譯服務。
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

* 原廠不定時會微量調整商品成份含量、或變更外包裝設計,刊登商品資訊或相片僅供參考,商品實物可能與網站刊登相片不同,請依商品實物之原廠標示為準。

* 為方便國際空運寄送,商品如有原廠紙板或紙盒、外包裝將會拆除。

重量 0.9 磅
貨號: GC317 分類: , , 標籤: