6罐含運 Kirkland 男仕專用生髮慕思 {美國郵局空運寄送} Minoxidil 5% Foam 60g 6 cans



  • 保存期限:2024年七月
  • 商品寄送方式:
    購買本頁面 生髮商品 將以美國郵局國際航空優先郵件(USPS International Priority Mail) 寄送,
    收件人不需提供身份證影本 或 進口同意書給本站;
  • 保存期限:挑選賣場最佳效期商品
  • 包裝方式:
    Six 60g (2.11 oz) cans (Six month supply)
    六罐 60克 (2.11盎司) 金屬罐裝 (六個月用量)
  • 包裝說明:
  • 使用建議:
    Apply half a capful 2 times a day to the scalp in the hair loss area. Message into scalp with fingers, then wash hands well.
    Using more or more often will not improve results.
    Continued use is necessary to increase and keep your hair regrowth or hair loss will begin again
  • 主要成份:
    Minoxidil 5%
  • 商品說明:
    Hair growth has been shown in a clinical study of men (mostly white) aged 18~49 years who used it for 4 months.
    Before use, read all information on package and enclosed leaflet
    It takes time to regrow hair. Results may occur at 2 months with twice a day usage. For some men, you may need to use this product for at least 4 months before you see results.
    The amount of hair regrowth is different for each person. This product will not work for all men.
  • 商品警語:
    本產品僅供外用 For external use only.
    本產品僅供男仕使用 For use by men only.
    Extremely Flammable: Avoid fire, flame, or smoking during and immediately following application.
    請勿使用在身體其他部位 Do not apply on other parts of the body.
    Avoid contact with the eyes. In case of accidental contact, rinse eyes with large amounts of cool tap water.
    部份使用者可能會有髮色或髮質的改變 Some people have experienced changes in hair color and/or texture.
  • 如發生以下情形,請立即停用:
    • 胸痛、心跳加快、頭昏暈眩 chest pain, rapid heartbeat, faintness, or dizziness occurs.
    • 突然發生無預期的體重增加 sudden, unexplained weight gain occurs.
    • 手或腳腫起來 your hands or feet swell.
    • 頭皮發炎或產生紅腫現象 scalp irritation or redness occurs.
    • 臉部汗毛增生 unwanted facial hair growth occurs.
    • 連續使用四個月後未見新生頭髮 you do not see hair regrowth in 4 months.
  • 以下情形不適用本產品:
    • 女性不適用本產品 Do not use if you are a woman.
    • 如果落髮情形與包裝盒側面圖示不同,或是前額秃髮線後移者,不適用本產品
      Do not use if your amount of hair loss is different than that shown on side of this carton or your hair loss is on the front of the scalp. 5% minoxidil topical foam is not intended for frontal baldness or receding hairline.
    • 非遺傳性頂禿者,不適用本產品 Do not use if you have no family history of hair loss.
    • 突發性落髮、或是塊狀落髮,不適用本產品 Do not use if your hair loss is sudden and/or patchy.
    • 不明原因落髮,不適用本產品 Do not use if you do not know the reason for your hair loss.
    • 十八歲以下請勿使用;嬰兒與兒童不可使用本產品
      Do not use if you are under 18 years of age. Do not use on babies and children.
    • 如有頭皮紅腫不適、感染、發炎、或疼痛,請勿使用本產品
      Do not use if your scalp is red, inflamed, infected, irritated, or painful.
    • 如果頭皮部份使用其他藥物,請勿使用本產品
      Do not use if you use other medicines on the scalp.

  • 購買本頁面生髮商品寄往台灣收件地址請申請進口同意書,申請方式說明如下:1. 線上申辦
    請至衛福部食藥署官網 先在頁面右上角完成會員註冊及登入
    頁面第8.項 個人自用藥品專案進口申請 選擇 線上申辦
    Kirkland Minoxidil Topical Aerosol, 5% (Foam)
    60g/罐 (one month supply)
    Perrigo Company
    Allegan, MI 49010, USA
    下載 [自用切結書] 填入商品與個人資料,請在立書人簽章處簽名用印,最下方填入申請日期、
    連同 [申請人身分證正反面影本]、[商品外觀圖]、[說明書(仿單)或目錄] (請下載商品頁圖檔),
    在申請網頁上傳以上四項圖檔、點選送出申請。2. 書面郵寄申請
    點選 “郵寄藥品請先填寫「貨品進口同意書申請書」” 下載申請表單填寫,第一頁:[貨品進口同意書申請書]
    1. 2. 3. 欄:請填入個人資料
    4. 6. 欄:美國
    5. 欄:美國 舊金山
    8. 貨名、規格、廠牌及製造廠名稱:
    Kirkland Minoxidil Topical Aerosol, 5% (Foam)
    60g/罐 (one month supply)
    Perrigo Company
    Allegan, MI 49010, USA
    9. CCC Code: (空白不填寫)
    10. 填入申請進口的瓶數:6
    11. 單位:罐
    12. 請勾選 “個人自用”
    右下角申請人蓋章處, 請簽名用印第二頁:[貨品進口同意書]
    1~11欄請填入與 “申請書” 相同內容資料,主管機關核准同意進口後,會將此頁寄回第三頁:[個人自用切結書]
    [商品外觀圖]、[說明書(仿單)或目錄] (請下載列印商品頁圖檔)郵寄至: 11561 台北市南港區昆陽街161-2號 食品藥物管理署 收
    食藥署承辦受理後,會將同意書寄回 (作業時間大約一週加上往返郵寄)

    或 洽詢台灣衛生福利部食品藥物管理署諮詢服務專線 (電話: 02-2787-8200)

* 商品說明為原廠標示,本店僅提供中譯服務。
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

* 原廠不定時會微量調整商品成份含量、或變更外包裝設計,刊登商品資訊或相片僅供參考,商品實物可能與網站刊登相片不同,請依商品實物之原廠標示為準。

* 為方便國際空運寄送,商品如有原廠紙板或紙盒、外包裝將會拆除。

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