Nature’s Bounty 液態鈣+維他命D3 120顆軟膠囊 Calcium+Vitamin D3


液態鈣軟膠囊 容易吸收


  • 保存期限:2023年九月
  • 使用建議:
    For adults, take two (2) softgels daily, preferably with a meal. Calcium and other minerals can affect the absorption of many medications. Do not take this product within 2 hours of taking medications.
  • 主要成份:每兩顆含以下
    Calcium 鈣 1,200mg
    Vitamin D3 維他命D3 25mcg (1,000I.U.)
  • 瓶身標示:
    Absorbable Calcium with liquid filled softgels
    軟膠囊式液態鈣 容易吸收Calcium is the primary mineral responsible for strong bones. The body also uses Calcium for proper muscle contraction and nerve function.
    鈣是維護骨骼強壯的主要微量元素, 同時也用於保持健康的肌肉與神經功能Vitamin D3 assists in Calcium absorption and maintaining a healthy immune system.
    維他命D3 幫助鈣的吸收, 並有益於免疫系統保健

* 商品說明為原廠標示,本店僅提供中譯服務。
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

* 原廠不定時會微量調整商品成份含量、或變更外包裝設計,刊登商品資訊或相片僅供參考,商品實物可能與網站刊登相片不同,請依商品實物之原廠標示為準。

* 為方便國際空運寄送,商品如有原廠紙板或紙盒、外包裝將會拆除。

重量 0.9 磅
貨號: NB301 分類: , , 標籤: