- 保存期限:2027年二月
- 使用建議:
For adults, take one (1) softgel two times daily, or as directed by a physician.
成人每日兩次,每次一顆;或遵照醫囑 - 主要成份:
Ginkgo Biloba Extract (leaf) 銀杏葉萃取 120mg - 瓶身警語:
If you are pregnant, nursing, taking any medications, planning any medical or surgical procedure or have any medical condition, consult your doctor before use.
懷孕授乳婦女, 正在服用處方藥, 或是計劃進行任何醫療或外科手術, 或是有任何健康異常狀況的人, 使用本產品前請先諮詢醫生Discontinue use and consult your doctor if any adverse reactions occur.
如果發生任何負面反應, 請即停用及就醫Not intended for persons under the age of 18.
十八歲以下請勿使用本產品Herbs have a distinct natural odor.
* 商品說明為原廠標示,本店僅提供中譯服務。
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
* 原廠不定時會微量調整商品成份含量、或變更外包裝設計,刊登商品資訊或相片僅供參考,商品實物可能與網站刊登相片不同,請依商品實物之原廠標示為準。
* 為方便國際空運寄送,商品如有原廠紙板或紙盒、外包裝將會拆除。
重量 | 0.6 磅 |
Schiff 益節 膠原蛋白+玻尿酸 75顆錠劑 Move Free Ultra UC-II Collagen
NT$1,250原始價格:NT$1,250。NT$939目前價格:NT$939。 -
TruNature 專利共軛亞麻油酸 180顆軟膠囊 [預購] Tonalin CLA